Early Morning at Hollow Rock

$25.00 - $850.00

Hollow Rock is a beautiful, naturally formed island on the Lake Superior North Shore, in Grand Portage, Minnesota. It's an especially great place to see a sunrise, though on this day the most interesting light came about 45 minutes later. I used a nearly two-minute long exposure to capture the movement of the clouds and the amazing colors in the post sunrise, early morning sky.

Traditional Photo Prints:
Professionally printed on professional quality photo paper and come with bright white acid-free matting. My photos are matted with a slight reveal and a signature on the bottom border of the photograph. Please note that as a result of the slight reveal the image itself will be slightly smaller than the mat window, but the reveal showcases the photo wonderfully.

Gallery Wrap Canvas:
Professionally printed, my gallery-wrapped canvases are stretched, and ready to hang on 408gram 18mil canvas. This is a beautiful canvas with just the right amount of sheen once clear-coated with satin varnish to show the image perfectly. 100% archival inks are used with a 12 color process for perfect color. These prints are made to last beyond 100 years with high quality pigment inks and a museum varnish.

Metal Prints:
For that "WOW" factor. Printed on a sturdy sheet of aluminum, they have phenomenal saturation, brightness, and a very "HD" look. They are ready to hang with attached brackets and appear to "float" 3/4" off the wall. They look absolutely beautiful. The vivid, vibrant colors really pop on the metal background and provide a great "wow" factor. Metal prints may require an additional 3-5 days depending on availability and stock. If you've been to one of my shows, you've seen how vibrant these metal prints really are.

Watermark will not be present in printed image.

**Note: I can do custom sizes in many cases.**